Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Printed: The Hardest Job Everyone Thinks They Can Do

This was so comforting to read - it confirms that 1) I am not the only one who gets frustrated when talking with non-teachers, 2) it's ok that it's difficult, and 3) it's still 100% worth it. 

"The next time you walk into a classroom, and you see the teacher calmly presiding over a room full of kids, all actively engaged in the lesson, realize that it’s not because the job is easy. It’s because we make it look easy. And because we work our asses off to make it look easy." 

The whole thing is really worth reading <3

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you and the author.
    I'll admit, I used to think teaching was an easy job, before I found out about all the crap that's actually involved in it. I think my respect for teachers really grew when I started learning about a little bit of the psychology behind learning and all the different ways that people can learn things. I realized that it most certainly can't be easy to figure out an effective way to teach en entire classroom made up of people who learn in very different ways.
    I have lots of respect for people who choose to go into teaching and voluntarily put up with all of that.
    Hell, I get frustrated when I try to tutor ONE person, I couldn't imagine trying to teach 20-30+ people at the same time!
