Ok, there is just too much goodness in Mountains Beyond Mountains. I had to dump my favorite quotes somewhere, so here they are:
"'Political work is interesting to me, and it has to be done,' he said...
'Well then, do it,' Paul said.
'But didn't we always say that people who go into policy make a preferential option for their own ideas? For their own sorry asses?'
'Yeah, but Jim, we trust you with power. We know you won't betray the poor.'" p174
"At moments like that, I thought that what he wanted was to erase both time and geography, connecting all parts of his life and tying them instrumentally to a world in which he saw intimate, inescapable connections between the gleaming corporate offices of Paris and New York and a legless man lying on the mud floor of a hut in the remotest part of remote Haiti." p218
"Diplomacy and data and personal charm, he seemed to say, could win over all sides." p232
"Paul is a model of what should be done. He's not a model for how it has to be done. Let's celebrate him. Let's make sure people are inspired by him. But we can't say anybody should or could be just like him." p244
"As for Ti Fifi's fear that parents would besiege Zanmi Lasante with demands that their sick child be flown to Boston, too, nothing like that occurred... I asked Zanmi Lasante's chief handyman what the people in the region were saying about the case. He told me that everyone talked about it. 'And you know what they say? They say, 'Look how much they care about us.'" p278
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